Seattle Radio Field Day 2024

Seattle Radio Field Day 2024#

Join us !

We’d love to have you join us for Field Day. Just let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll make sure you have a great time.

Four Seattle-area amateur radio clubs are joining forces for a joint Field Day in 2024! Please join the Puget Sound Repeater Group, the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club, the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service, and Cascadia Radio on June 22nd and 23rd, 2024.





What is Field Day?#

ARRL Field Day is the largest amateur radio event in the United States. Each year, tens of thousands of operators set up stations in fields and remote locations, mimicking an emergency situation where no mains power is available, and stations (including their antennas) are temporary setups. Field Day is a 24-hour marathon where clubs gather and operators take turns operating these stations, racking up as many contacts as possible. Finally, it’s a wonderful learning event, with plenty of opportunities to try new modes or bands, and to get acquainted with many aspects of amateur radio, whether you’re an old hand or don’t yet have a license.


For more information about what our Field Day is like, check out our Field Day in Detail page.


All are welcome! Amateur radio operators, as well as those without their radio licenses, are welcome to join in any of our activities. Get on the air on our voice, digital, or CW stations; set up antennas; attend talks and participate in activities; or just join us for a meal and to talk radio.


This year, we will be at the north field of South Seattle College. You’re welcome to stay the night!


We will be running several transceivers, so you can experience SSB (single sideband voice), CW (Morse code), or digital modes on HF. We’ll also have SSB and FM available on VHF and UHF. Our Get On the Air (GOTA) station is ready to help those without licenses get on the air and experience the HF bands.

We will have a number of activities and educational talks you can attend. Join us to learn about building antennas, fox-hunting, Morse code, emergency communications, and more.

Let us know#

Whether you’re just attending, or would like to help out, we’d love to know what you’re looking for. Please let us know if you’d like to be involved in any way – running a station, as a mentor, or helping with setup and teardown.

Commercial Sponsors#

MidNite Solar